District Covered: Sehore, Bhopal in two block of MADHYA PRADESH
Supported by: Organization itself with Farmer Contribution
Social organization, participatory approach and gender dimension are the key elements in our overall schemes of institutional model. SVSS promotes agriculture based livelihood initiative for small holders. At the most basic level, communities are organized in “purpose- specific” community groups such as self help groups (SHG) for thrift and credit ,watershed committees, producer group( vegetable, seed-wheat, soybean), Farmer Clubs (FC) and farm field school. While some of these primary groups are generic in nature(viz.SHGs) and broad based in the type f work they do, others are livelihood or activity specific groups. Household may have multiple memberships in these groups that are formed and nurtured at the village level. All these primary groups have their distinct identity in terms of name and norms of functioning.
As the primary level groups evolve a cluster of 15-20 villages are federated into higher level groups, such as farmer producer company (FPC) which are then integrated with agri business markets. While a PG continues with its core function, the FPC at the secondary level also takes up other tasks such a agribusiness, provision of support services such as extension services, and most importantly ,serves as a platform for lobbying.
To address gender dimensions in all its programmes, women & rsquo;s participation in CBOs and in all capacity building initiatives is mandatory and closely monitored ,according to prescribed standards.
Since 2011 SVSS has been promoting “Collectives of small and Marginal Farmers & rdquo; as farmer producer companies in MADHYA PRADESH The objective of this activity is to integrate small farmers with the organized markets to uncrease their return from agriculture. In short, the idea is to integrate farmers with the supply chain of the agriculture commodity.
In SVSS’s Model of farmer producer companies,1200-1500 small farmers are organized and registered underthe producer companies act. A professional management team, comprising of one agribusiness professional and two community oranizers provide support to the FPC from inception on their day today business aswell as help in developing their governance system.
Smt. Krishna from village Bijore of Sehore district in MADHYA PRADESH is now one of the shareholders of the Rewa farmer producer company Pvt Ltd. She became a member in the year 2010. He took up the seed production programme and earned Rs 10000/ as premium price. He earned a profit of Rs24000/ from 15qtls of soybean crop. Thus his total profit amounted to Rs 34000/ by 6 months. He realized the benefit of seed production.
Also she has encouraged many other farmers to join the company by demonstrating new varieties of crops in his field. In year 2012 she arranged 75 qtl. Certified seed of wheat from surrounding villages and these farmers also gained profit. Since last one years they re producing foundation seed by taking breeder seed from the producer company. The company is sharing the profits with them. Other farmers from nearby village are getting information about availability of seed, fertilizer, pesticide of producer company from them. They are giving information of innovation in agriculture to other farmers, like professional agriculturists. They have encouraged all farmers of nearby area to join the Producer company. In the training given under this program all the farmers learnt how to maintain productivity of soil and how to grow more crops by minimizing chemical pesticide. By now krishna has been able to multiply his cows from 2 to 12 cows, the dung used for gobar gas and manure. She is elected as one of the executive members of the producer company due to his interest and performance of progress in a year. Undoubtedly his dedication and passion is profitable for the company.
During field implementation is realized that small farmers agri business organization can effectively work and can deliver their services properly in cluster of 15-20 villages with membership of not more than 1500 farmers in initial years of 2-3 years when they are targeting effective services of backward and forward support .our current strategy focusses on:
1. Establish producer companies in a cluster of 15-29 villages comprising membership of 1200-1500 farmers at the most.
2. Give priority in informing and nurturing exclusive women farmers producer company.
3. Considering the higher level need of producers companies, we are in the process of establishing a FPC support cell to provide support on the critical issues like organizational development. FPC Governance, Market linkage, brand development, Monitoring and evaluation, financial linkage and linkage with other government and non government farmers& rsquo; institutions support programmes.