Sponsor Agency: National Health Mission Go MP
Project Area: District Shahdol of Madhya Pradesh
Target Group: Patients
Program Activity and outcome:
1. Relationship management of the existing network of empaneled private Health facilities / Doctors.
2. Facilitate the notification of TB cases in Nikshay
3. Liaise with the sputum collection and transport agency for CBNAAT/Microscopy testing in public sector labs.
4. Ensure the verification of the patient’s residential address and screen family contacts for TB.
5. Provide counseling support / adherence management to the patient through home – visits and phone calls
6. Ensure collection of Bank details for all diagnosed TB patients to facilitate timely DBT for nutrition support to TB Patients.
7. Enter into agreement with identified chemists (list to be provided) for FDC management and disbursements
8. Manage the FDC logistics from designated government centers/Chemists to identified private chemists
9. Sleeve the FDC strips with the appropriate government 99 DOTS sleeve
10. Collect the monthly /fortnightly drugs inventory requirements from the chemists and liaise with the DTO for the requirements.
11. Collect and maintain the documentation of drugs disbursed.
To achieve universal Tuberculosis (TB) care for all notified TB patients, the National TB Elimination Program (NTEP) has initiated the Patient Provider Support Agency (PPSA) initiative.
PPSA is a model under which a third-party agency/non-governmental organization is selected by a state/ city/district NTEP unit to engage private-sector doctors treating patients of TB and provide end-to-end services, such as diagnosis, notification, patient adherence and support, and treatment linkages.
The third-party agency is selected as per the contracting procedures laid down by the respective State National Health Missions (NHM).
PPSA follows a multipronged approachto engage private providers engaged in TB care to patients that includes:
- Mappingprivate-sector providers (formal and informal), laboratoriesand chemists
- Increasing engagement of private-sector providers through in-clinic visits andcontinuing medical education (CME)
- LinkingNTEP-provided diagnostic services (sputum microscopy, X-ray, cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification test, sputum collection and transport) and fixed drug combinations (FDCs)
- Facilitating andupdating TB notificationand other relevant information inNikshay
- Facilitating incentivesgiven by NTEP to the private-sector doctors and patients
- Counselingthe patients to ensure treatment adherence
- Facilitating linkagesfor drug resistant-TB treatment and HIV services, as required.
The year 2020-21 & 2021-22 were challenging due to the presence of pandemic in the
progress towards elimination of TB. Despite significant challenges, progress have been made over the
past two years wherein there was an increase of 8% in TB notification in our State compared to year
Assam achieved the distinction of launching the new drug, Bed aquiline on 6th June’2016 for
the first time in entire Asia which is now being provided free of cost to eligible MDR-TB patients. 99
DOTS and IPT have been rolled out in all the ART centers of Assam. Daily regimen for all TB patients
has been rolled out in the state since October’17. The state has also introduced the newer drug
Delmain'd containing regimen among eligible patients.
The state has also rolled out shorter BDQ regimen for treatment of MDR-TB patients and
regimen for treatment of Isoniazid mono/poly resistant patients. Another major step was to initiate
the new all oral longer regimen in the state.
Created: 06-May-2024 12:52 PM
Last Update: 2024-05-06 12:52 PM