Support My School- Maintenance of Basic Amenities like Toilet, Access to Water and basic Infrastructure

Project -Support My School- Maintenance of Basic Amenities like Toilet, Access to Water and basic Infrastructure

Project Areas Bhopal-8 No. of Schools Rajgarh-5 No. of Schools of Madhya Pradesh

District/Block Bhopal & Rajgarh of Madhya Pradesh

No. of Beneficiaries 3250 Children

Sponsoring Agency - Charities AID Foundation (CAF- India) & Coca- Cola foundation 

Several Studies have revealed that lack of basic amenities like toilet, access to water and basic infrastructure create an unwelcome environment in the schools ,which leads to higher rate of dropouts and absenteeism in the school enrollment> Girl child in such areas suffers the most .Keeping this as an objective Coca- Cola India, NDTV and UN- Habitat came together and launched a campaign to address the issues of gender specific sanitation facilities,access to water,need based sports facilities,rainwater harvesting and land scaping in the government 13 School in Bhopal & Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh.
Under this proposal following components will be supported:-
• Drinking water facility
• Toilets and Urinals for Boys and Girls Separately,
• Healthy Active Living (Need based Sports Equipment’s)

Feedback from various locations reveals that the support has improved the attendance and retention of students in schools. We assume that due to high usage of these components there would have been some wear and tear of the components and hence, needs safeguarding/ repairs for regular usage. Our objective of this initiative is that these components be firstly functional all the time and should serve for a substantial period, and accordingly we look forward to understand the maintenance required on each of the components for its regular usage.

Output of Activities:-

With the Support from Parent teacher Association, we are achieve our goal to maintained the thirteen school infrastructure in two district rajgarh, Bhopal district which are covered under this project. Again girls’ student attended the new session with 100% attendance.

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